There really is no comparison.
It is safe to say that the late President George Bush’s era was better compared to today that’s run by President Donald Trump. Trump has silly answers to some of today’s top questions regarding the country’s problems. Furthermore, he refuses to have great relationships with other countries’ leaders. Of course, the same can’t be said for President Bush. He may have led the country from 1989 to 1993 but his term will forever be remembered. Even President Clinton, who beat him in his re-election, though he did a great job leading the Sexy Hub discount country. Besides, each president who passes will not only be remembered for what he has done for the country but he will also be compared to what the current president is doing. Unfortunately for Trump, the comparison is pretty far. There is no doubt Bush is much better than him.

Right now, everyone is just waiting for Trump’s term as president to end.
Unfortunately, it won’t happen until a few more years. It is no surprise he recently made silly comments about the climate change problem. It is either he does not care about it or he is not properly educated about it. It may actually be both. However, the country voted for him so they have no choice but to agree with his decisions. Besides, they can’t do anything to overturn his power. It is doubtful he will step down so one just has to look forward to when his term ends which won’t be anytime soon.

The mourning for President Bush can be compared to the mourning of Senator John McCain. Trump and McCain had a big rivalry so Trump never showed any sympathy for McCain’s passing. McCain’s daughter did get into a heated argument with Joy Behar, a co-host of the View. Behar was supporting Trump’s views and Meghan (John’s daughter) did not want any coupon part of it. Unfortunately, Behad told her she did not care about her views so Meghan told her the same. Good thing, the show quickly went to a commercial before it went out of hand. After all, you will never want to see an argument on air. It will not only ruin the show’s reputation but the participants too.

Columnist Maureen Dowd wrote warmly about the former president. She had nothing but nice things to say about him even if the New York Times told her to not be too biased. Dowd mentioned she would love to serve Bush his preferred cocktail which is a Vodka Martini but not on this life. She knows he would not have it any other way.
A lot of people are assuming that Trump’s respect for the late President Bush is fake. Of course, nobody ever knows what Trump is thinking. He always says he cares a lot about theĀ BlackedRaw discount country which is probably why a lot of people voted for him in the first place.